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Mark and Frances, Adelaide

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Seasoned property buyers Mark and Frances, this week invite us to Adelaide for our first ever visit! They're looking to buy an investment property to build on their existing land, so we're more than happy to lend a hand. Despite the rain, we showcased three stunning houses and they did choose wisely!

House 1

The Lehmann from Burbank homes instantly made us feel at home with it's clever use of space and style

House 2

House 2 on today's show is the Byron from Rivergum Homes in Adelaide. This house set a very high standard for the affordable price point.

House 3

The Marrabel from Weeks Homes is the final house in today's showcase and really wow'd the couple. Lots of space and storage.

Because the cost of building these houses would vary from region to region and state to state- we don't show a generic price. Just hit the inquiry link and send us your location and any info and the producers will connect you with the closest person to your area.

Investing in property

George Markoski is a property expert who coaches people through the process of buying an investment property. He drops in this week whilst we're in his home town of Adelaide to talk shop!

Buying Land - the trick!

Walt's hot tip on how to beat the public when it comes to choosing and buying land before you build!

Apartment Hunt

In the second installment of Walt's investigation into apartment investments- we delve into what to look for and where to buy, thanks to a great website tool,

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©BSTV Pty Ltd | For Channel 10

All information in this website is created as a guide for entertainment purposes. Users are advised to engage professional services before purchasing land or buildings. Advice given on this program is not applicable to all people in all areas of Australia.

If you submit a question, your personal information may be shared with our partners to help answer your questions, should you contact us for information on house prices etc. BSTV or Channel 10 accept no responsibility for information or advice offered in this program. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be regarded as a financial, investment or purchasing tool.

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